Help Save the Rosebud

A Racetrack or a River?

A Racetrack Development Threatens the Rosebud Valley

The Rosebud Valley is a beautiful and important water system and series of wetlands and coulees northeast of Calgary that offers a sanctuary for a host of species, from bank swallows, prairie falcons, and songbirds to golden eagles.

This ecological treasure on the prairies, just east of the hamlet of Rosebud, is now threatened by a large racetrack development that could bring thousands of people and hundreds of loud high-powered cars and motorcycles into the valley on a daily basis.

Protecting our Watersheds and Wild Lands is Everyone’s Business

Water is the key to life on the prairies, and protecting our watersheds and wild lands for future generations is a critical issue not only for environmental reasons but also for economic, tourism and agricultural purposes. Healthy ecosystems contribute to a healthy and prosperous way of life for all Albertans, and maintaining biodiversity is the key, starting with protecting the Rosebud Valley.

The proposed racetrack and resort development would destroy the rich biodiversity by forever changing the ecosystem of the valley, introducing excessive noise and traffic into a habitat that so many species depend upon for survival.

The Rosebud Community has a Better Plan for the River Valley

The Rosebud community has offered to purchase the racetrack land from the development proponent, providing a fair and equitable price to keep the valley intact. Landowners have established conservation easements surrounding the racetrack land with 8,000 acres of protected watershed. This is an extraordinary conservation achievement and a real example of Albertans’ commitment to preserving our natural environment.

Promoting wise and respectful enjoyment of the valley will offer eco-tourism opportunities (bird watching, hiking, guided trips) that are compatible with the natural environment and lifestyle of the community that depends on the Rosebud Valley.

Time for Action:
Send a Letter to the Premier
It has been said that “everyone lives downstream”, and that is why Save the Rosebud has been established–to protect this important area from destruction.
Have a look at letters being sent to the Government.

Click the button below to send a letter to the Director of the Regulatory Assurance Section, Alberta Environment and Parks urging her to order a provincial environmental assessment for the Badlands Racetrack. Or click HERE to write your own letter.

Click the button below to send a letter to the Premier and the Alberta Environment Minister, copying local MLAs and municipal councillors, urging them to move quickly to reject the proposed racetrack development and to protect the Rosebud Valley for future generations. Or click HERE to write your own letter.