Area Structure Plan Public Hearing Submission, Clive Elliot, BSc,MSc, June, 2013

Environmental Letter submitted by Clive Elliot, BSc, MSc (click here for full letter)

Prepared by Clive Elliot, BSc, MSc, Elliot Environmental Research and Consulting Services for the Area Structure Plan Public Hearing, Jun, 2013 (over 30 years experience studying prairie ecology)

“Because the Motorsport Resort proposed for part of that ecosystem will have some or many detrimental effects on that ecosystem, I and many other residents and scientists conclude that it should definitely not be built in its proposed location. And because this part of the Rosebud Valley ecosystem enables and maintains the survival of several endangered species and other species “at risk”, all of which are very important parts of local, provincial, national, and world ecosystems, is it not our duty to do what we can to protect and restore these irreplaceable world resources, and the habitat necessary for their survival?”


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