The Rosebud River Valley
The Rosebud River Valley near Rosebud, Alberta is a sanctuary for wildlife carved in the cultivated prairie landscape. Relax for five minutes and watch in High Definition on a big screen. You will be transported to this peaceful valley with a rich history. It is an ecological treasure that all Canadians can take pride in protecting for future generations.
Video by Jon Groves
Rosebud River Valley Bank Swallows at Lenglet Siding!
Rosebud’s Own Donovan Snider!
CBC Documentary Series “The Wild Canadian Year”
Watch the Rosebud River Valley’s very own Golden Eagles in the episode “Summer”
Golden Eagles Rosebud River Valley – Threatened by a Racetrack Development
This pair of golden eagles has been breeding in the Rosebud valley on lands adjacent to the proposed racetrack for many years. They are sensitive to human activity and it’s a rare to have a pair of golden eagles breeding in an area dominated by cultivation. The undisturbed valley provides the eagles with critical habitat in a landscape dominated by cropland. It is imperative that the valley be protected if sensitive raptors like the golden eagle are to remain in the area. This pair of golden eagles was recently filmed by the CBC for a documentary airing in October 2017.
Video by Jon Groves
Prairie Falcons Rosebud River Valley – Threatened by a Racetrack Development
Recently fledged prairie falcons immediately adjacent to the proposed racetrack development. The species at risk setback guideline for development is 1000m from prairie falcon nest sites in Alberta. These prairie falcons are less than 300m from the proposed race track. The sensory disturbance of an operational racetrack will almost certainly cause the abandonment of falcon nesting territories in the Rosebud River valley.
Video by Jon Groves
The Rosebud River Valley
Watch carefully. This racetrack development will destroy what you see forever.
The bank where the Prairie Falcon nests will no longer be home to a falcon. The noise above and below will drive falcons away. They are supposed to be protected by our governments. They require a 1,000 meter buffer around them.
The river banks below are home to the threatened bank swallows. These swallows forage constantly over the wetlands along with countless other species including many threatened and sensitive. As the high speed cars speed around these wetlands the swallows will be gone.
Race cars will zoom up onto the plateau in the middle. Pavement and fencing will destroy threatened and endangered species of rare grasses.
The moose will disappear from here. The wildlife corridor they have always used will be blocked by fencing and it better be high enough to stop this big guy from stepping onto a racetrack.
The steep banks are prone to erosion the second they are disturbed. Road construction into the valley will cause huge destruction.
The roads and tracks and buildings above … storm water, sewage, oil and gasoline spills, sediment … all flowing into the river below. That’s how gravity works. It all flows down.
The Rosebud River Valley! This is our valley. This is your valley. For Kneehill and Wheatland Counties, for the Province of Alberta, for all Canadians, holding on to this wonder could be the most important gift we give to future generations. Think carefully about what your residents hold dear. Let’s protect it, not reject it.