Kneehill County Draft Land Use Bylaw
Updates pending
Reported August 19, 2016
Click here to review the submissions for the public hearing.
The Kneehill County public hearing for their county wide Land Use Bylaw #1718 was held on Tuesday, August 16, 2016. Nearly 20 people in support of Save the Rosebud attended the hearing. The Reeve started out the preamble by informing us that since no amendments had been made to the Direct Control Districts in the bylaw they were not to be addressed at the hearing. Too bad the newspaper advertisement for the public hearing had not specified that. Regardless, the Reeve did not shut down anyone who spoke about the Direct Control District for the racetrack.
The wording of their new Part 24 regarding environmental review was of more concern to us anyway. Speaker after speaker pointed out the deficiencies of the language for protection of Environmentally Significant Areas. Of course our major concern was the Rosebud River Valley, but this bylaw applies to all Environmentally Significant Areas in Kneehill County.
Hugh Ham spoke for Save The Rosebud. Over 65 people returned emails agreeing to have him speak on their behalf.
Thank you to everyone for your letters, speeches, attendance, and email replies.
When we left council was certainly well aware of the concerns of Save the Rosebud … will they listen this time? Clearly the Direct Control District for the racetrack will not be changed at this time but maybe we will prevent further destruction in the future.
Click here to review the submissions for the public hearing.
Reported August, 2016
Kneehill County announced the public hearing for their county wide Land Use Bylaw #1718 August 16, 2016. Written comments are due August 10, 2016. This is the most important and complex bylaw in the county.
The drafting of this bylaw has been in process for over a year. There have been opportunities for public input. However, Kneehill County has chosen to bring this bylaw to public hearing in the middle of the busiest season for farmers. Our legal counsel, Hugh Ham, requested the public hearing be adjourned to a winter date. Click here to see the letter sent on behalf of Save the Rosebud. Our request was denied. Note the original Area Structure Plan for the racetrack was brought to public hearing on June 11, 2013. Such scheduling does not encourage thoughtful participation of residents on the most important municipal issues and in fact creates a hardship for citizens who are serious about engaging. Citizens are led to believe council has already made their decision. Save the Rosebud experienced exactly that at two public hearings for the racetrack Area Structure Plan and the Direct Control Bylaw. Council appeared to endure our presentations, never asked any questions, and proceeded to pass both complex bylaws without any amendment.
Click here for the newspaper announcement.
Click here for the Bylaw that was given first reading.
The Direct Control Bylaw for the Badlands Motorsports Resort is on pages 122 – 125
Section 24, pages 26 – 29 are about Environmental Review
Definitions for environmental consideration are on pages 133-134
Reported May, 2016
Kneehill County has a new Senior Planner and Development Officer, Barb Hazelton. She reports the Land Use Bylaw will go to public hearing “soon”. Please watch the Kneehill County website for news.
Reported April 29, 2015
Kneehill County is currently replacing their entire Land Use Bylaw. The Draft Bylaw has some definition changes related to the racetrack that are notable. In particular “Private Recreation Facility” is now “Recreation, Major” and this implies even more intense use of the area. Hugh Ham addressed these changes in an additional submission to the Municipal Government Board. The Municipal Development Plan states that there should be no development in high status Environmentally Significant Areas, yet this Draft Bylaw proceeds to only address environmental review and mitigation for development in ESAs as opposed to very limited development.
The Land Use Bylaw is a guide to regulate the uses and development of land and buildings to achieve orderly and economical development within the County. It includes the DC4-District (Direct Control District for the Badlands Motorsports Resort). There will be an open house to discuss the Draft Land Use Bylaw in Kneehill County Council Chambers on May 21, 2015. You can also contact Kneehill’s Senior Planner, Calvin Symington, to discuss. First reading for the new bylaw will happen sometime after that. Advertising and a Public Hearing follows.
Please go to Kneehill’s LUB page to submit your comments. In addition, attend the meeting May 21 to discuss and voice your concerns. For Kneehill residents and ratepayers there are other changes that are significant (eg. requiring a permit for any grading or stripping on your property).