Biodiversity Considerations Badlands Motorsports Resort Area Structure Plan
Prepared for Save the Rosebud by Cliff Wallis – a prominent and well respected professional biologist in Alberta. He has studied in the area of the Rosebud River Valley since the 1960s. He authored Kneehill County’s first Environmentally Significant Areas Report back in 1991.
“In my opinion, the proposed Area Structure Plan (Badlands Motorsports Resort 2013) is not consistent with the Kneehill County Municipal Development Plan (Kneehill County 2013), specifically as it relates to guidance and policies dealing with Envrionmentally Significant Areas and valleys. In addition, the Badlands Motorsports Resort Area Structure Plan is not consistent with the Government of Alberta Land Use Policies (1996) as they relate to environmental protection since the Area Structure Plan promotes the loss of significant wildlife and plant habitat and establishes inappropriate land use.”