Kneehill County Bylaw #1718 Public Hearing Submissions

“[about Rosebud] … The challenges faced and overcome by this community are almost things of fable … But most importantly this little hamlet is in a fight to maintain its rural identity. Within earshot and sightlines from the hills overlooking this valley is planned a $400,000,000 all inclusive urban motor sport resort” (Laverne Erickson, Alberta Travel Ambassador (2010))
August 16, 2016 Written Submission by Rosebud resident LaVerne Erickson Click here
Please note: A version of this submission was read by Shauna Murphy on behalf of LaVerne at the public hearing. For some reason LaVerne’s written submission was omitted from the council package of written submissions. Shauna had one paragraph left to read when the 5 minute timer expired. Reeve Long chose to refuse to listen to that paragraph.

“Mitigation does not imply or guarantee protection or avoidance of residual environmental impacts. Mitigation is only a way of reducing impact, not eliminating it. Reducing the intensity of impacts does not negate the fact that inappropriate developments will diminish the values contained within ESAs and contradict the land use goals stated provincially and within this Bylaw.” (Cliff Wallis P.Biol. Cottonwood Consultants Ltd.)
August 16, 2016 Written Submission Package Click here

August 16, 2016 Oral Submission by Save the Rosebud Legal Counsel Hugh Ham Click here


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Municipal Affairs Minister Rick McIver

MLA Olds-Didsbury-Three Hills Nathan Cooper

MLA Drumheller Stettler Nate Horner

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Kneehill County Council Reeve

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